The blue Turkenite

Turkenite, the blue beauty or should we say the white beauty? I aspect you didn't knew that Turkenite gemstones are dyed blue howlite stones? We from Sparkling Jewels want to tell you the truth about all our gemstones even when they aren't naturally.

The beauty of Howlite is that it can be dyed any colour imaginable. The most common colour you will see it dyed is ofcourse Robins egg Blue. The same blue that the Persian Turquoise is know for. The other benefit of using Howlite is the natural webbing or matrix that occurs in this mineral. It is almost identical to the webbing in natural Turquoise. It is very rare to find Turquoise with a perfectly uniform and evely distributed colour. The old stones coming from Persia certainly had even colour but that is why they are worth thousands of euro's. So now you know why our blue gemstones are called "Turkenite" and not "Turquoise".

The Turkenite gemstone has the same meaning and properties as the Howlite. It is a lovely stone to use when needing to reduce anxiety, tensions and stress.

Get your blue beauties over here

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